Psychic Kathleen’s Client Reviews & Testimonials
Spontaneous and Un-requested Feedback, Comments & Testimonials from Clients
Out of all the experts I’ve spoke to you’ve been the absolute best. His roommate I saw posted a lot about having avoidant personality, and my hurt comes from feeling bad I didn’t understand that and him like she does; but now I do. You’re a phenomenal intuitive and hope to retain you again sometime. Have a wonderful night.
Hi Kathleen,
Thank you for the reading yesterday. I have a lot to think about and I appreciate your insights. I only wish I found you sooner but I know events happen as they do. I know I can contact you but I am “old school” and like to “see” a person. Thanks again
Dear Kathleen,
I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.
Laura Lee
Details of the Recommendation: ‘Everything that Kathleen told me in my tarot reading has come to pass. She is very accurate. In one of my readings Kathleen said: ‘don’t sign any legal documents tomorrow’. Thanks to Kathleen I was able to avoid making a big mistake. She is one of the “real gifted” psychics! As well as being very well read and up to date in her field. In fact, she’s probably adding to that body of knowledge as we speak.”
Hi Kathleen
I want to say thank you to you for giving me the courage that I needed to look at my work situation and relax, knowing that everything would be fine in the end. I was able to concentrate on taking care of myself and those that I love, instead of worrying about getting a new job.
When I saw you at the end of January, you told me that by the end of the summer I would have a new career doing something that I had not thought of in the past. You were sooooooo right, the perfect job just fell into my lap and I started yesterday. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. Keep in touch.
Hi Kathleen!
I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful reading and guidance you gave me in February. Everything you saw has come to fruition, and I do have peace of mind now (in time for Easter weekend, just as you said).Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you again in the future!
“Hi Kathleen!
I really wanted to thank you for your reading on Tuesday night. I truly appreciated your insights and fearlessness with your messages. Thank you for being truthful and clear with me, and very patient.
Thank you also for sharing stories about your own experiences finding Cora, or letting her find you 🙂 . I am inspired, and it really gave me a new perspective. My current one was outdated 🙂
Since Tues. night I’ve just let the messages soak in. A few synchronicities have shown up, but I’m just excited by the energy your reading generated for me. I’m working toward taking the cards’ directions to heart, making some choices, and taking steps.
So thank you so much for all of this. “
“Kathleen, thank you so much for this afternoon!
My mom has been to many psychics in her life but she said that you were the first one that she truly felt comfortable with. You have no idea how accurate you were on some things with both of us! She has already been raving about you to all of her friends so I wouldn’t be surprised if a few call you.
Thanks again and hope to be in touch in the future”
“Hi Kathleen,
I hope you are well.
I came to see you last September – desperate, crying and completely unsure of myself. You had predicted three things for me – that my then boyfriend would try to see me after three months of me leaving him, that I would get the job in Ottawa, and that my then boyfriend would move to Montreal. Although only the last of these came true, I believe the changes I experienced since seeing you, and the subsequent changes in what I wanted out of life may have led to different outcomes from those you predicted. Still, had I never seen you I may never have walked out on my ex and realised who my true friends were – nor just how miserable I truly was in that relationship. You gave me strength. Thank you.
I’m currently ambling through life again, a little lost in direction – though happier than I was in September last year. I hope to be able to arrange a phone reading with you in the near future.
Thanks again. “
“Hi Kathleen; I saw you on television a few weeks ago. You were amazing. My daughter finally met someone. I think he’s the one!
Thank you again, I feel so much more relaxed :)) “
“My name’s Melissa, I came to see you for a reading just over 3 years ago. I had just graduated from college, and was stuck in a bad job. You guided me on a path out West and I thank you so much for that life-changing experience. I find myself again at another crossroads, I know I need to change something because I feel restless and frusterated with myself. I keep trying to get out of this slump and I seem to slip right back in. I want a change, I just can’t figure out what, and need your guidance again. May I please schedule another session with you?”
“Hi Kathleen,
Thank you, Lynn
Your reading was amazingly accurate, I’m currently pregnant and you said I would be by Sept. 18th, this year or next. I found out Sept. 22nd!!!
Yeah Kathleen!”
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“Hi Kathleen
Dr. Reade
Just want to say thanks for a most interesting reading yesterday, especially regarding my old schoolfriend who died. I did take the liberty and phoned her parents. Her dad was at home and we had a most interesting talk. He says, yes, yes, yes it seems her husband murdered her, but because there is no proof the police left it there. Long story….. yes, she wanted to get out of the marriage and he tried to divorce 3 years prior. They had a big fight the night before her death. They had a party and her husbands drinking friends came over. She left later highly upset and came home early morning (apparently). Police found medication all over her bedroom as noted that it was suspicious. Her toxicology report came back negative for overdose. I do believe he smothered her – there is usually no physical signs on autopsy except with strangulation. This all happened 1 month after moving into their dream home and of course new life insurance! There are many other things pointing a finger to her husband, incl a girlfriend. Her parents didn’t feel that pursuing it further would be successful and felt it would only upset their granddaughter. He really appreciated my call and I feel I could help this way to clarify things. Amazing how you helped!
I should talk to you again soon to see if there is anything new she has to say. Thanks once again for a most fascinating reading.
Best regards”
“Dear Kathleen
All the best, Matt”
You preformed a Skype reading for me during the summer of 2008. I am writing to express my appreciation for your talents and accuracy. With all the events around the world I was involved with at the time and the different people and different business approach yours was the only reading out of 4 that said no.
In fact, you said I was to be in the business but in a very different way and a change of direction was necessary. It appears destiny had not yet played its hand, yet your reading picked that up.
You were right on the money. Not only that but you were on target for related timing issues as well which I am aware is quite difficult and unique to do. What’s always interesting is that even with a reading I had no idea where I was going or what would happen to get me there yet all of these things were simply looked after and happened as if by perfect design. So while we all would like to get answers and direction It’s enough to simply know by way of summation how things could wind up and then get on with living our lives.
I don’t know how often you receive support and feedback so I thought anyone with the level of talent you showed should certainly know they were appreciated.
“Hi Kathleen!
I just wanted to thank you so much for the reading yesterday. Finally I was able to sleep last night and the physical pain I was feeling before I talked to you has gone. In my heart now is the want to understand my man as a person and a victim. I wrote down everything we talked about so that I would remember. 🙂 My soul feels so rested now and you are to thank for this…so from the bottom of my heart I thank you. I have also decided that I would like to see you as a counsellor every couple of months so that I can keep on track with life if you will have me of course 🙂 Thank you so much and I hope we can keep in touch.
Warmest Regards,”
“Hiya Kathleen!
I so enjoyed our reading and chatting with you yesterday. What an amazing and insightful reader you are! I had a very good feeling about you when I saw your website, and you are a superb reader. Literally just finished listening to our session a few minutes ago. So appreciated receiving your insights.
Blessings to you!”
I wanted to share something that struck me this morning…
When you read for me on the phone at the end of April (I think I was in Florida), you said “wait 18 days to contact___”. I marked that 18th date in my calendar…as a guide. I just noticed, that HE sent me an email last Wednesday, and that was the 18th day, I had marked. And I contacted him (as per his request in his email) on that date.
Maybe of little interest on your end…but IT really struck me for some reason.
Did I mention how excited I am that he and I are back in touch? hee hee hee (of course I did). Even though it’s not as “in touch” as I would like to be at this point!”
“Hi Kathleen,
Just wanted to thank you once again….my sister and I both enjoyed the readings on Monday, however, once again, I am still trying to absorb.
I talked to Joanne last night and she told me that she was very pleased with her reading and already felt so much clearer on what she had to do and she wanted to thank you for that. You told her that her husband was ‘mourning’ and at the time she didn’t really know why…on Tuesday, she received a death notice in the mail of a man that her husband had lived with for two years and considered to be a father to him years ago….she also had an experience doing reiki on someone on Tuesday, and felt an added awareness of her psychic ability, again she wanted to thank you because she just feels like she can see things clearer now…
I hope this will come for me soon, thanks again from both of us.”
“Hi Kathleen
You did a reading for me a few weeks ago and I just wanted to tell you that you were absolutely right about everything you said about my dad. You said he could be ingesting something he’s allergic to and doesn’t know it so he keeps ingesting it and that he could be missing something. It was discovered (not until after he had another minor stroke) that he has a severe allergy to flax seed which he has been taking 4 tablespoons of every day for the past 10 years because it is supposed to be good for you. The allergy restricted his arteries and interfered with his blood pressure medication causing his strokes. As for the missing part he has an iron deficiency and a B12 deficiency. Since you were right about both of those things he decided to take your advice and have the muscle testing. It turns out his muscular dystrophy is progressing much quicker than his doctor anticipated given the medication he is on. However the doctor who did the muscle testing told my dad about this new drug that has not been approved yet but is in the testing stages that he would be a candidate for that would allow him to walk for another 30 years. He was skeptical about it but it is monitored on a daily basis and there have been no negative side effects so far and the alternative for him is to be in a wheelchair very soon, so he is going to go ahead and try it.
I can’t thank you enough for your insight into his health problems he is already feeling better, it gives me hope that you were right about me finally getting to sleep through the night in March!!! (and of course about the no 3rd baby and figuring out my new career in the summer)
Thanks again Kathleen. “

“Thanks Kathleen!
Things are going fantastic in my life. Thanks for all your guidance and support. I plan on coming to see you in the new year for another reading.”
“Ashley and I wanted to thank you so much for your readings today. We talked about them the whole ride home and are still thinking about them. It was a lot of information to take in. Well thanks again and we’ll see you again in the future. Next time I’m getting a full hour with you :)”
Take Care Kathleen
” Kathleen,
Ruth McRae
I saw you about 4 months ago and the advice you gave me was priceless. God bless you and thank you for all your help. At the time I asked you if I should go to a certain course that I had in my mind and in my heart. You told me that I HAVE TO GO TO THIS CERTAIN COURSE. I took the course and I am now a practicing Hypnotherapist but I chose to only focus on Past Life Regression. I have now taken two past-life regression courses and I love the effect it has on the healing of my clients.
Looking forward to seeing you “
” Hi Kathleen,
You did a tarot reading for me earlier this year at Ingrid Hamilton’s tea at the Fairmont. I’m just letting you know that you really nailed it!
You told me I’d have to make a sacrifice, detach myself from something in the past – to move on to something really good. Which might seem to sour, but then I’d move on to something so spectacular it would be like winning the lottery.
So I sold my car – I’ve had my own car since I was 19 and I was very attached to this particular one – a big sacrifice. It took a few months, but I got a contract at a fun job, which looked promising. At the same time, Barbra Streisand announced she was going on tour and coming to Toronto – I’m the world’s biggest Streisand fan and for her to come to Toronto, well, was amazing.I then found out about a better job – the one I have now at Baycrest, which is a place I’ve always really admired. And got another car.
Krystyna Lagowsk
And so in one week – I got a new car, saw Barbra Streisand and started a new job. If I’d won the lottery, I couldn’t have been any happier.
You totally rock!!!!!”
” I recommend Kathleen without reservation for all of the things you are looking for. I have continued my relationship with her as my Tarot instructor (Beginning and Intermediate) and soon to do the Advanced for Certification!
Shelley Adams
I have also taken a psychic development class. So you see – that first and subsequent readings have proven accurate and enlightening and opened a door for further personal growth and psychic development “on my own”!
“I really enjoyed speaking with you last night. I must admit that while I’m open to extrasensory perception and have had my own experiences with it, I have encountered charlatans along the way which has raised my antennae for future experiences. With that said, I was absolutely thrilled that you picked up on my *exact* thoughts…especially when I was originally assuming conflict would be with a male and then I abruptly changed my mind believing it would be a female. You took the words right out of my mind!!!
I appreciated your wisdom and the insight I gained from learning (or being reminded) about the importance of normalizing events.
I told my parents about our reading and I’m going to encourage them to contact you. I may even pay for it, because I know that at the moment in my dad’s condition he worries.
In any event, I wanted to thank you for your warm and insightful reading. While I enjoyed the entire reading, I feel that I derived the most value in my aha moment of realizing what I must do next. I want to do a good job!!!
Thanks again. I will keep in touch!”
“I chuckled when you described the roll of your Spiritual Mother. I am sure you are aware that many of us you interfaced with, to enlighten our spiritual journey, feel you play that roll in our lives. I can hear Carol chuckle from beyond as I write this. In so many ways we all moved forward with your guidance during the time we all attended our Introductory to Advanced Training Classes so many, many years ago. Deepest Thanks Kathleen from all of us!”
Freda Crake
“Hello Kathleen,
Sincerely, Catherine
My name is Catherine and I am a second-year student at Algonquin College in the Professional Writing program. This past summer, my mother, Margaret and myself had a psychic reading with you at your Kitchener home. We found you very talented and much of what you told us has come true. I am really interested in interviewing you for an article I will be writing for a class assignment, which will later be pitched to several established publications. After reading your articles on your website, I would like the focus of the interview to be on women’s roles in modern spiritualism; a comparison between their roles during the mid-late 19th century and what they are today. I know that you are incredibly busy, but even a fraction of your time would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much, I look forward to hearing from you.”