Spiritual Guidance from the Other Side
Your Psychic in Canada
Living for Our Higher Purpose
Today, living through these heavy cycles of earth and political changes requires uncomfortable life adjustments if we intend to celebrate a meaningful life. We must reclaim our individual gifts with a receptive and peaceful mind. We must re-claim and re-call proven timeless knowledge to enhance new and improved skills. We must open our hearts to hear Mother calling us towards a more natural, healthy and commonsense way to thrive connecting Soul, Body & Mind.
From circa 1870, knowledge of our True Human Purpose and Proof of Life after Death was suppressed. It gradually faded from Spiritual teachings by the 20th century. Along this path of suppression was lost our knowledge of why we are here. Proven facts of Life after Death accepted in the mainstream would lead to a wider acceptance of the importance of fullfilling our Higher Life Purpose. It would take us down a collective path of knowing our True Spiritual Nature and accompanying unique spiritual gifts.
The following text is taken from a discourse, or trance lecture, during which a spirit speaks through Cora Richmond about the nature of spiritual growth and knowledge, or Spiritual Unfoldment.
Spiritual Unfoldment: A Discourse with Cora Richmond | Saturday May 30, 1896
Cora Richmond: "One cannot continue to seek for messages from the Spirit world, especially messages pertaining to spiritual unfoldment, without its wakening enlightenment from within. One cannot be in daily and hourly communication with those who are guardian spirits or ministering attendants without some unfolding of the aspirations that are within-hence there is a perceptible spiritual change in the world; human thought has grown many degrees since the advent of Modern Spiritualism."
Spiritual Understanding has Grown
Kathleen’s Notes: In this discourse, the spirit speaking through the instrumentality of Mrs. Cora Richmond is explaining that simply through the desire to seek spiritual development, your own unlimited potential to reach enlightened heights is awakened. When you consider how much our intellectual and spiritual understanding has grown and altered collectively over the past 100 years, what is said here in 1896 has certainly been revealed to be true. Remaining receptive to the direction spirit is guiding you to take; being attentive to the subtle yet unmistakable messages spirit is transmitting regarding your decisions, and choices, will awaken your enlightenment within.
Cora: "The only method that can be advised with reference to spiritual unfoldment is the recognition and pursuing of such spiritual light as each individual has. If you wish for growth or unfoldment in any direction, you turn your thoughts in that direction. You may seek all human knowledge upon the subject, but you will not have any real growth unless you have it from within. A great many illustrations might be given that are trite and familiar - if one is not an artist, who may intellectually desire to be one, seeking all information, all knowledge that is possible on the subject of art, you may have the perfect formula of painting a picture correctly, but between that picture and a work of art will be a great difference as between a dead and a living body. One is a cultivated, external appliance of art, the galvanized or electroplated ware which cannot pass for pure gold; the other is the spirit of it, using all outward appliances for the perfect expression of that which the spirit only feels. The same is true of music. There are millions of excellent performers in the world; but the geniuses of music can be counted. The performers do good work in physical and mental accuracy; but when the genius steps upon the stage the whole world knows the difference. Between the physical and the functional acquisition and the gift that springs from within is to be found a standard of the difference between outward appliances for spiritual and religious thought and that which is the result of inward growth."
Allow Your Spiritual Gift to be Expressed
Kathleen: You can read and study spirituality for hours every day and not progress your true discerning spiritual knowledge. You will only gain that knowledge and become a true genius in this field by allowing the gift that you possess within yourself to be expressed. Information versus knowledge is the key difference between following a spiritual prescription by rote and knowing the right purposeful path for yourself.
Cora: "Entering the realm of spiritual growth again, we would simply say: No human being is destitute of the divine, that divine spark, that spiritual life which ultimately will unfold. None that do not somewhere have promise of its expression here; but those who are seeking that expression here and now; those who expect to arrive at the results before they travel all the steps necessary for reaching the results; those who do desire to be spiritually endowed and gifted, as well as to be a medium of spiritual communication, must remember that every step of this unfoldment must be taken from within; that no outward appliance, no benediction or blessing of ministering spirits, no message, however exalting, can make one exalted. You may aspire until you reach the height: you may be there already: if you are, it declares you. Many people mistake periods of exulting inspiration, when by the light of the spirit they are given glimpses of its surpassing state, for actual growth. This explains why, pardon us for a few moments, there are so many people in the world who claim greater powers than they possess, who individually desire to be recognized as something greater than they are. Just think of it--in the forty-eight years of the existence of Modern Spiritualism a great many people have supposed themselves to be its Christ. There are people outside of Spiritualism who suppose themselves to represent the second coming of Christ. This is altogether a willful deception; such people are endowed momentarily, or for periods of time, with inspiration: they are intellectually deceived by the exaltation which they feel. It is easy, just as easy for the mind to have obliquity in the direction of self, as it is for the body to. Of course, these people are endowed primarily with sufficient appreciation of themselves, and when, added to that, they feel the light of an exalting presence, it suddenly resolves itself into an egotism which, taking possession of them, usurps the place of reason and commonsense. So there are only larger worshippers at their own shine than ordinary mortals."
No One Has Monopoly on Spiritual Understanding
Kathleen: We are all mortals here on earth. There is no one person possessing more spiritual potential expression than another. There are some who would declare themselves such, but that’s just their ego compensating for feelings of inferiority. Be wary of those who claim to have a monopoly on spiritual understanding. They might have read more than you but they don’t possess more spiritual power than you.
Cora: "Thus may we look for the results of spiritual unfoldment in sweet and silent ways; in lives that have been made more healthful, and beautiful, and pure; in those pathways where sorrow has been brightened, where misery, poverty and wrong have been put aside for the uplifting power of the spirit; where the daily task has been made easier to bare; where feet have walked more patiently and uncomplaining over all the thorny ways of human existence - here is where we find its strength. Then we find it in the great [kaleidoscope] that, like the sounds of the sea, is forever heard in its wondrous monotone proclaiming that human life, and all its varied disappointments, is but a floating and transient life of experience while the spirit, attaining its full expression, will ultimately reveal that this fast undertone is the promise fulfilled at last of the great triumph of the spirit in its conquest over earth."
Spiritual Expressions in your Daily Life
Kathleen: Our spiritual growth and development is easily measured. Not by how many or few material problems you have, nor by how much you have studied. By how enthusiastically you embrace the challenges of your daily responsibilities and how generously you permit your spirit to be expressed in helping others. Prioritize your spiritual expressions in your daily life and watch how magnificently your life transforms to become what you want it to be. It won’t reveal itself in earthly riches but it will be evident in the harmony, bliss and peacefulness in your work and love lives.