Psychic Ability Gifts
Like clairvoyance referring to “clear seeing”, clairaudience refers to “clear hearing”. It is the ability to receive psychic impressions in the form of sounds, music and voices that are not audible to normal hearing.
Divine Spirits Whispering Throughout the Ages
We have been guided by our “inner voices” since the beginning of time. The ancient Greeks received guidance through daemons or divine spirits that offered guidance by whispering it into the ears of spiritually aware people.
Shamans of many cultures utilized the voices in their heads for divine guidance. In Yoga the energy centre for clairaudience is the throat area and when it is clear you can open yourself to inner hearing.
Joan of Arc Heard Voices of Angel Spirit Guides
Joan of Arc claimed to hear the voices of her angel spirit guides St. Catherine, St. Margaret and St. Michael. In the 18th and 19th centuries messages from the spirits received clairaudiently were an established part of many séances.
Clairaudience Indicators
There are several indicators pointing to a possible talent as a clairaudient:
- If you are a good listener
- If you find certain sounds and noises unbearable
- If you are good at noticing changes in tone, pitch and frequency of noise
Clairaudience is one my strongest psychic abilities along with telepathy and clairvoyance!