Psychic Ability – How to Develop Your Psychic Abilities
Learn More About Psychic Ability & Reading the Tarot
© Kathleen Meadows, M.A. Certified Psychic & Tarot Grandmaster

I don’t support the notion that only a few, exceptional individuals possess psychic ability. I believe that everyone possesses this sixth sense. The difference between those who are identified as psychics and those who aren’t, is that they actively work to develop their psychic ability, rely on it, and act on its guidance. This is the secret of becoming a psychic! When you honour the information that enters your consciousness from sources felt intuitively, and act on that information, your psychic ability strengthens and becomes more accurate, 10 fold. It’s like any other muscle in the body – “use it or lose it”, as the old adage goes.
There are 5 psychic senses like there are 5 physical senses. A demonstrated strength in one over the others is thought to be genetically determined.
5 Physical Senses
1. Clairvoyance
– seers connect the inquirers problems to psychic sources and prescribe ritual actions and medicines to them – clairvoyants see auras and energy fields surrounding a person and they gain insights about a person through a personal object the client has touched or used. Some clairvoyants for example work with police departments across the world, helping locate missing persons and/or determining if they remain here on the earth plane or have passed to spirit. Read more about Clairvoyance
2. Telekinesis
– is the ability to move objects with the mind; light bulbs burning out, cracks in tables suddenly appearing, and psychic healing. Some healers who possess this gift are able to alter internal problems in a patient without the need for cutting or other invasive procedures. Read more about Telekinesis
3. Telepathy
– is knowing what another person is thinking and feeling, intending or regretting; empathic and the deeper understanding of others may not even be conscious to the client. Telepathy is a two way gift. Some are better at receiving than transmitting. Where the receiver is referred to as an empath, the transmitter is a charismatic. They are able to transmit thoughts, feelings and intentions into the mind of others, sometimes even reaching thousands of people such as, what we’ve witnessed in the form of dangerous fascists. Read more about Telepathy
4. Mediumship
– is a gifted psychic connecting with those who have passed into spirit; these communications through the medium may be verbally relayed, or through the use of automatic writing. Read more about Mediumship
5. Precognition
– is when a psychic receives unbidden visions and dreams of what is destined to happen. Predictions of the future might come to us through dreams, visions, audio transmissions heard today from the future, uncomfortable or unsettled feelings. Read more about Precognition
Call to Kathleen Meadows – Psychic, Tarot Reader at
Divining with the Tarot
A Tarot reader shifts into an altered state of consciousness, referred to as a flow state. Attention, activity, and involvement are intensely focused without regard for a particular objective. The self-forgetfulness of concentrated skill, knowledge, and subliminal awareness are at the service of the patterns that emerge typically in answer to the client’s question. An extraordinary and creative mindfulness is disassociated from the normal personalities to weave new patterns and stories through a heightened awareness. Tarot reading is an energetic exchange between reader, client and spirit, played with symbols which are archetypal tinkertoys. Due to their archetypical nature, Tarot cards possess more than personal power. The results of this energetic exchange include a feeling of connection and spiritual renewal in combination with astoundingly accurate predictions. Tarot study and reading develops your ability to see yourself as part of a great interconnected whole, an awareness of spirit moving in and through the events of your daily life.
Tarot reading is a practice that enhances one’s psychic abilities because it opens the psyche to forces and information that is not available through normal means.
How Can I Improve My Psychic Abilities?
How to Develop Your Psychic Ability
Be fully in the present.
The more you are aware of being in the present moment, the more able you are able to tap into the quantum reality – the reality that exists in a timeless, fluid, unseen world.
Nurture a sense of play with your developing psychic ability.
Laughter, joy, joking, and curiosity work to enhance psychic ability. Just as our dreams employ mechanisms like irony, jokes and simile to get their point across, our psychic senses strengthen when we open our hearts, drop our serious attitude towards ourselves, utilize our imagination and engage in a sense of play..
Develop acute listening skills.
As you listen keenly and mindfully to others, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and pleased to observe your own inner ability to listen to your SELF developing too.
Put trust in your intuition.
Listening to your inner voice. Voicing and doing those expressions that affirm, and validate the information you’ve received from spirit will work to solidify your insight through validation. For example, let’s imagine that you have a mysterious, inexplicable feeling that your mother wants to speak with you.. Instead of discounting this insight as imagination, you call her immediately and tell her about your feelings. You’ll be surprised at how accurate and timely your intuitive information was!! Over the next months, as you do this more and more regularly, you’ll be surprised and delighted to observe a growth spurt in the psychic department!
Practice going into someone else’s space.
Imagine being in another person’s body. Feel the sensations, thoughts and feelings and then share your insights with that person. Practice with friends and family who are receptive to developing their own psychic abilities.
Take an attitude of openness, and strive to be non-judgmental.
Meditate everyday. It doesn’t have to be long, or complicated. Practice a walking meditation or while you are bathing.
Surround yourself with symbols – especially symbols that represent your developing psychic ability.
For example, totems, spiritual icons, art – this will constellate a deeper relationship with the unseen world. Make an art project depicting a powerful dream you’ve had and put it in a central place in your home.
Begin a Psychic Journal.
Document psychic experiences – remember to date your intuitions and write in the follow up when it happens.
Keep your 4 primary elements in balance, and maintain a full awareness of them. Fire, (intuition, passion, action) water, (love, flow, receptivity) earth, (practicality, grounding, body awareness) and air (breath, objectivity, intellectual stimulation). When these elements are out of balance in our daily lives this will impact on your ability to perceive and act upon information from the unseen world.
How Will I Benefit From Learning Psychic Ability?
Developing your psychic ability will enrich your life in more ways that I can recount because the journey is individual. It would take volumes to describe all the possible benefits. Most significantly, developing your psychic ability will build a bridge between your unconsciousness and consciousness, deepen your faith, enhance your spiritual development, and guide you to your divine life purpose on this planet. Wouldn’t you agree that these are reasons enough?
If you are interested in learning more about how to develop your psychic abilities, I encourage you to visit my websites for additional resources.