Subscribers are Amazed at the Appropriateness of Message of Newsletter from Psychic
Every month Kathleen is swamped by emails from subscribers commenting on how oddly synchronistic her topic resonates for them in their lives on the morning they read her newsletter from psychic. When the ezine is a day late subscribers are emailing to ask where it is. This E-Psychic magazine is not a forum for advertising. It is designed to keep clients and students abreast of Kathleen’s activities, insights, courses, lectures and lessons.
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Testimonials About Newsletter from Psychic
Good Morning, Kathleen,
Just wanted to say that I appreciate you and your monthly newsletters, which I have been receiving for I don’t know how many years – but more than I care to count!
Anyways, it makes so much sense to me now why my friend, Lindsay Grad, introduced me to you as a recommendation for a psychic over a decade ago when you lived in Kitchener – because you are a Sister 🙂
I simply want to share that I too have read “Wild Women Who Run with the Wolves” and to say that it’s a game changer of a read is an understatement – it not only validated everything my antennas picked up on, everything I perceived without the senses and yet with the senses, but it saved me. Truly.
I’m so happy to learn that you walk on the path that Clarissa has helped laid for us, and that you and I are helping in our own ways to pave more road for other women to join us on – we need each other, we need this tribal language, the rituals assigned to us by birthright and this forgotten blueprint of a woman’s inner landscape.
That’s all! Just an email of delight that we have both read an incredible book which we keep coming back to and which we integrate into our work of serving others from the river beneath the river
Kindest Regards,