Mediumship is the ability to receive, translate and convey messages from the realm of spirits to our corporeal world. Mediums serve as channels for communication from the dead to the living. They are able to elevate their vibrational frequency to match those of spirit and lower it back again to translate the messages to the living.  This is a rare and extraordinary gift! They’re spiritual role is to act as proof of the existence of the spirit world.  That we don’t disappear into dust when we die, our soul perseveres and continues it’s journey to enlightenment beyond the grave and there we may be able to with the help of a gifted medium continue to help, heal and support our loved ones from the spiritual realms.


Mediums Work with Controls in the Spirit World

A medium’s communication with spirits is typically governed by entities known as controls who are advanced spirits residing in the spirit world. My control or spirit guide is Mrs. Cora Richmond who lived from 1840 – 1923 and was a powerfully gifted trance medium well known and followed by thousands in the 19th century.

There are many words used to describe mediums such as, channeler, fortune-teller, witch, medicine woman, mystic, priest, prophet, wise woman (Crone).


Mediums Descend from the Role of Shaman

Many believe that the medium descends from the ancient role of Shaman who communicated with the spirit world by becoming possessed by spirit deities and animal spirits. In our ancient her/history, Shamans served as healers to the community and communed with spirits for guidance on making key decisions which would foster the successful survival of their tribes.  Decisions such as when and where the tribe should move to for better food sources and safety from predators, who should mate for a most auspicious pairing and how best to prepare for an imminent battle.


Trance Mediumship

Trance mediums like Mrs. Cora Richmond could fall into deep, unconscious trances thereby allowing spirit entities to take possession of their body and mind.  When observing this transformation, witnesses describe profound changes in expression and voice. Their entire physical appearance and timbre of voice can be so different they are barely recognizable as themselves.

Typically, when the trance medium comes out of trance they have little memory of what transpired while under.


Mediums Perform Soul Rescue

Some mediums practice “soul rescue” which is a practice whereby they are able to coax spirits to let go of the earth plane existence and move on to the afterlife.  It’s well known in spiritualism that there are spirits whose sudden, unwelcome death and lack of knowledge of the spirit world, holds them attached to the corporeal world. They wander the earth plane betwixt and between, lost, confused, unhappy and seeking answers.  This is a terrible state to be in!

Religious doctrine refers to this as “limbo”.  Mediums who possess the gift of soul rescue can reach these lost souls and help them to understand their predicament and show them the path to moving onto their next plane of existence at peace.