Body, Mind & Spirit
It was believed (and still is by some) that an unhealthy body fosters the psychic gift. I don’t know who is responsible for starting this erroneous rumour! It was prevalent in the Spiritualist movement throughout the 19th century and continued to resurface throughout the early part of the 20th. It’s waned certainly but every once in the while I stumble into this notion either through another psychic’s writings or a client who was introduced to this somewhere along in their journey prior to meeting me.
We live in a time now when body, mind and spirit are regarded as ONE. Our knowledge base has grown and matured, providing us with a more realistic vision of ourselves as complex organisms with millions of interconnections that span our brain, heart, body, spirit and soul. Indeed, the concept of body, mind and spirit is far more prevalent in the beliefs of most who participate in the psychic world today. I count myself in this camp.
Does Using Our Psychic Senses Weaken Our Bodies?
I’ve observed a noticeable quickening in my cognition when my body is strong, flexible, relaxed and alert. Why wouldn’t psychic ability be enhanced by a healthy, vibrant body too?
I’ve pondered, however whether it might be the other way around: That energetically, using our psychic senses may drain so much energy from the body, it’s put at higher risk of failing.
Using psychic energy is draining. Sometimes in the middle of a busy day, I’m completely zonked. I’d say it might be like doing a triathlon but that wouldn’t be accurate because it’s not primarily a physical tiredness, it’s mental. I do however, feel it in my body. Body aches, stiffness and an exhaustion so deep I feel it in my bones.
I’m fortunate in that I’m a serious guardian of my good health and have been all my life. I used to run home after school at 16 to do yoga with Karena’s Yoga on educational TV. I’d nag my mother about preparing more meals with fresh rather than canned vegetables. In fact, I was so keen on fresh, I offered to prepare all the evening meals for the family which my mother was only too happy to hand over. My mother would giggle hysterically while my father gagged his way through home made soups, humous, wraps and salads (1972). My family thought I was just going through a phase and it turned out to be one that lasted the rest of my life. I think it’s just the way I came into this world. I have a small note to self written when I was 7, “Always eat well and get lots of exercise.” I laughed finding it in a scrapbook my mother kept.
I don’t think I could have accomplished all I have done without having this motto and lots of luck to protect me. Taking good care of your health after all doesn’t guarantee you won’t get sick.
But being healthy hasn’t prevented or inhibited my work as a psychic. Nor do I believe that being sick is going to make you more inclined to be a gifted psychic either.
Spiritual/Religious Traditions & their Guidance to Better Health
Most spiritual/religious traditions make some reference to the need to care for your physical body to achieve higher levels of consciousness. A few of the ones that have stood out to me,
Buddhism in my opinion tops the list. It offers extensive advice on body care through exercise, detoxification and proper diet. Spine flexibility is emphasized in order to sit for extended lengths of time to meditate. Buddhists believe that caring for your body one of several paths to enlightenment (Hatha Yoga).
My spiritual teacher always admonishes me to care for my kidneys since this is the organ where spirit enters the body.
Astrology teaches us that your Astrological sign will pre-determine the physical challenges that will need to be mitigated for and will likely be just those physical weaknesses that plague us later in life and inevitably be the very issue that drives us out of our bodies and into the realm of spirit.
Whatever spiritual tradition you follow it’s likely it has sage advice to offer with regard to caring for your health. Furthermore, your spiritual tradition will teach you how not doing so may inhibit your ability to raise your consciousness and reach your spiritual aspirations. I know when I’m feeling strong and healthy I do better work and provide a better service to my clients.
Make this month be the month you commit to taking better care of your health. It’s the ideal month to launch a new health regiment into your lifestyle which will hopefully aid you on your spiritual path as well.